Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The effect of Pride

"Those who walk in pride he is able to humble."

Pride is deceived, as it walks in deception believing things that are untrue. It thinks it is in control and is responsible for its accomplishments. Pride has an inflated belief in itself and a condescending attitude toward others. It is all wrapped up in its own agenda. Pride may even mouth the right words, but its behavior deceives its sincerity. Pride is a product of unaccountable living. Without checks and balances, pride develops a track record of deception that leads to defeat. Furthermore, the greatest deception of pride is to set itself up against God. You can go through the motions of religious activity without brokenness and obedience. This is the pinnacle of pride. The audacity to use God is the ultimate deception. God will not be used. He will not be mocked, nor will He allow pride to roam free. Pride tries to convince you that you are God's gift to the world, but that was Jesus. God gave us His son for the forgiveness of your sins. This reminder is meant to flush out pride and replace it with humility. Pride and humility cannot coexist. Humility understands and does not forget that God is the author of all good things. His Holy Spirit cuts through pride's deception and replaces it with humility's reality. The reality is, without the blessings of God people are paupers lost in pride.

Moreover, humility and brokenness break the bonds of pride. You know pride is losing its grip when you release control of your life. Humility lets go. You let go of recognition. You let go of hurt feelings. You let go of the past. You let go of judging. You let go of bad habits. You let go of your family. You let go of work. You let go of relationships. You let go of having to be right. You let go of having to have your way. You let it go and you leave it with God. This is what it means to trust God. Humility and trust go hand-in-hand, as much as pride and control. It is uncanny how humility and trust lead to more responsibility and power, while pride and control lose it. This is the great deception of pride. Pride thinks it is in control, but it is not.

Humility recognizes God's control and is trusted with more. When you humble yourself in your relationships, you will be given more peace and fulfillment. Stiffen up in pride and you will lose trust and joy. Therefore, give up on your way of doing things and submit to God's way. Do not force your agenda; rather acquiesce to the Almighty's. If you continue to demand control, you are deceived. Pride will cause you to lose what you desire most and receive what you most regret. However, humility exposes you to God's eternal benefits. He will bless you far beyond what you expect or deserve. The benefit of humility way outweighs the illusion of pride. Humble yourself, before God does. The Bible says, "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time" (1 Peter 5:6).

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