Thursday, August 13, 2009

Gearing up for vacation

Dang what a crazy summer this has been!!! I dont think I will EVER schedule my vacation so late in the year again... But this year Steph and I did not have a choice due to finances and other things that we both have going on....

I always enjoy but dread getting ready to go on vacation... I am so much of a planning control freak that I get myself so worked up for nothing really... So many things to do so little time to get them done!

1. Laundry
2. Kids Laundry
3. Make sure all of my bills are paid
4. Make sure the car is clean (HUGE pet peave of mine before leaving on vacation!)
5. Make sure the oil is changed
6. Make sure to have everything I can think of possible packed
7. Make sure I have all of the girls stuff packed
8. Make sure the grass is cut
9. Make sure the house is clean

And on and on and on.... We leave on Saturday morning and I will probably be a human stress ball for the next 48 hours but when I hit the beach it is time to relax and enjoy ourselves... I have and always will scrape and save and go without all year to make sure that we have a vacation... It is something that I always treasured as a kid each year and I dont ever want my kids to go a year without a vacation... I put aside a certain amount of money every year out of my tax returns and at times it is so hard not to touch it but it is so worth it in the end... This vacation was long overdue in alot of ways because of the disaster that last year's vacation turned out to be... Heck even this year's has had it's own scary moments of not being what I had hoped and dreamed....

But honestly I know that after all the stress and the packing and driving and the planning... Sometime Saturday afternoon I will be walking out onto the beautiful beach barefoot and with the most important people in my life for a start to a wonderful week away from the stress and pressures of everyday life... I cannot wait to have an entire week of little or no distractions with my girls... I cannot wait to go on my first vacation with Steph and Emma and Andrew as well......

I love vacation and spending time with the one's I love the most.... It is like no other feeling in the world to know that I can ignore my blackberry for a change and I have a week to do what ever we feel like doing with no agendas! I cant wait to get into the ocean and watch my girls splash and play and be kids and not have a care in the world... I cannot wait to take them to Mammie's kitchen for our annual crab leg dinner...

This summer has been alot of fun but has had it fair shares of ups and downs.... Steph has had to put all of her efforts and most of her time into completing her CPA exam.. Countless hours boarded up in her house and on her bed studying the days and nights away.... We both knew that it was going to be tough but I dont think either of us knew how tough it could be... I cannot say how proud I am of her for the determination she has had to get through this... I have not been the best "boyfriend" to her at times and my patience has worn thin at times... But she may never know how proud I am of her for the way she lives her life.... She has this swagger about the way she carries herself and has more pure drive and determination beyond any other person I have met... It is not just in the way she studies but in the way she juggles so much... Me, the kids, a job, a house, a garden, friendships, personal times, and so much more... I am blessed that I have every other week to do the things in my life that I want to do... It is hard at times to be away from Emily and Hannah but I know that they are fine and are having a good time away with their mom.... We talk alot and not everyday but just about....

The winds of change are blowing in and blowing in a hurry for both me and Steph... I am having such a hard time right now thinking of my oldest little girl growing her wings and moving from the security of elementary school and into the world of middle school.... I am so worried for the changes that will happen in her life and the things that she will be exposed to now... I remember so vividly how hard the middle school years were on me and I just hope and pray that I have equipped her and shown her right from wrong... I hope to keep her very involved with the youth group at church and in sports and to be there and support her as much as I can to make sure that she does not stray off the right path and take the wrong path... I know that the next few years are going to be tough on her and I can no longer protect her like I could before... Soon she will be too cool for Dad...

Steph is dealing with her own little issue because Mr. Andrew will finally start school this year... I already have the Cave Spring Rescue Squad on standy by for 7:00 AM on Monday 8/24/09 with the oxygen and the tissues.... I know how hard it was for me when both of my girls did this and it stings even worse when your youngest stares at you out the window of the bus for the first time and ways at you as they go off in the distance... It is hard to let go and let them grow up....

But this and the winds of change will come weather we want it to our not... I just want to enjoy the time I have now and am SO looking forward to a nice and relaxing vacation to the beach.... And then I will come home and face the challenges ahead of us!